Every week in our kindergarten there is „Let's Meet an Animal Day”.
Those are regular meetings at which children meet a dog, a pony, a horse, a duck and other animals under the supervision of an instructor. Such a form of experiencing nature brings a lot of benefits.
The emotional development of the child that stems from meeting animals may later on be applied to interpersonal relationships, as the contact with animals:
- Teaches friendship
- Calms down - helps to alleviate stress and tension, lowers blood pressure (hence the growing popularity of dog therapy in dealing with hyperactivity in some children)
- Develops empathy
- Increases the chances of establishing good relationships with peers - finding a group of friends or acquaintances
- Develops sensitivity and perceptiveness
- Develops curiosity of the world and activates cognitive abilities in children
- Increases activity and mobility which are so crucial at this age
- Fosters self-esteem and belief in child's own success
- Teaches tolerance

Research proved that children who have regular contact with animals are far better developed emotionally than children who are isolated from them. Additionally, through experiencing, observing and analysing such encounters with animals a child experiences the full range of emotions, a phenomenon largely absent in human contact.
You may only imagine how great an experience and a breakaway from the daily routine can a simple visit in a stable be! Close contact with big animals and learning their calls is highly stimulating to a child that does not know the village life first hand. The smell of hay and cattle food stimulates the sense of smell and the contact with the soft skin of the horse and stroking its mane stimulates the sense of touch.
That is why in our kindergarten we experience nature and through regular contact develop more fully, become more sensitive to the needs of other people and the world of nature that surrounds us.
In preparation for „A Day of Meeting Animals” we exploit the immediate closeness of the Voivodeship Centre for Sports and Recreation, where one can find a stud farm with ponies, ponds with ducks and an additional playground for children, the activities with dogs, with elements of dog therapy, are carried out on the premises of our kindergarten.